Hal-Luqa tinghalaq ghal gimaghtejn shah....fejn ma tinghalaqx, iz-Zurrieq, l-Imqabba, bQrendi/b, Mellieha, Rabat, Sliema, Santa Venera??? Fil-festa ta' Haz Zebbug kienu jwaqqfu it-titjiriet kollha waqt bil/b-hruq tan-nar!! Fil-festa tal-Imsida kienu jaghlqu b....../b One would rather prefare to take a 7-day bvacation/b in places like Cyprus or Corfu than a week-end in Gozo when you almost fork out the same amount of Euros. What about the well known "three-prices" (tlett prezzijiet). ...
Route D Żurrieq, Safi, Kirkop, bQrendi/b, Mqabba. Route E Żebbu?, Siggiewi, Qormi. Route F Attard, Rabat, Mtarfa, Dingli. Route G B'Kara, Balzan, Lija. Route H Mosta, Naxxar, G?arg?ur. Route I St Paul's Bay, ?irkewwa. Route J Gzira, Sliema, St Julians b..../b How are independent travellers supposed to get to their bhotels/b. Is anyone considering their predicament? We should make tourists our first priority; if necessary the army should be used to bus them into their bhotels/b. ...